1) Search for what interests you

1) Search for what interests you

Choose from the solutions on the one that best suits your needs. Read the description, look at the photos, videos, location and make your choice.

2) Contact the business

2) Contact the business

Now all you have to do is contact the business. We provide you with all the information you need: phone, website, WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram.

3) Mission accomplished 🎉

3) Mission accomplished 🎉

We are confident that the activity you choose will meet your needs. You can enjoy the rest of your day!

Coin - Il Department Store Italiano

PRATI - Via Cola di Rienzo n.173 - 00192 Roma (RM) - Lazio


Telephone +39.06.36004298


Coin is the Italian department store dedicated to the world of clothing, beauty and home decoration. Present throughout the country in the most important historic centers and in the main shopping streets, it is a reference point for city shopping. Thanks to captivating, easy-to-use environments and personalized moods that characterize the different worlds, Coin is able to offer the customer an engaging and vibrant shopping experience. The spaces dedicated to fashion and beauty offer a wide selection of brands that combine research, new proposals and accessible luxury. There is also home decoration which, thanks to Coincasa's distinctiveness, offers an absolutely unique style thanks to the ability to mix different trends and moods. Finally, to complete the shopping experience, a wide selection of services: Nespresso boutique-in-shop, restaurant and lounge-bar, beauty room, tax free to meet the most diverse needs of Italian and international customers.


English Groups Heating Air conditioning Bar Restaurant Elevator Debit Cards Credit Cards

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