1) Search for what interests you

1) Search for what interests you

Choose from the solutions on the one that best suits your needs. Read the description, look at the photos, videos, location and make your choice.

2) Contact the chosen business

2) Contact the chosen business

Now all you have to do is contact the business. We provide you with all the information you need: phone, website, WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram.

3) Mission accomplished 🎉

3) Mission accomplished 🎉

We are confident that the activity you choose will meet your needs. You can enjoy the rest of your day!

Gisal Nautica - Noleggio Barche, Taxi Mare, Escursioni

Via Porto n.120 - 84121 Salerno (SA) - Campania


Mobile phone +39.392.5790205
Write on WhatsApp


Gisalnautica offers boating lovers a wide range of boats, new and used, of the best brands as well as an efficient motor and sailing charter service. Our services will allow you to reach the Pontine Islands, the Argentario, the Amalfi Coast and the beautiful islands of Campania, famous all over the world for their incomparable beauty. All boats are already equipped and ready to sail, so you can enjoy your holiday in absolute relaxation. Our flagship boat is a Fiart Genius 50, a super-equipped boat of about 16 meters equipped with 8 beds and a separate cabin for the skipper. We also offer the possibility of renting your own boat during periods of inactivity. It will be the company's responsibility to equip it and contact any boaters interested in the offer.


English Groups Mooring Boat rental Guided tours Excursions

  Languages Spoken
  General services

Tourist guides