1) Search for what interests you

1) Search for what interests you

Choose from the solutions on the one that best suits your needs. Read the description, look at the photos, videos, location and make your choice.

2) Contact the chosen business

2) Contact the chosen business

Now all you have to do is contact the business. We provide you with all the information you need: phone, website, WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram.

3) Mission accomplished 🎉

3) Mission accomplished 🎉

We are confident that the activity you choose will meet your needs. You can enjoy the rest of your day!

P&B CONSULTING - Servizi alle Aziende

Via della Produzione n.17 - 00030 San Cesareo (RM) - Lazio



Telephone +39.06.95599595


Our study deals with: Accounting; Social security; Tax in all its forms, from society to small craftsman; Both national and international financial advice (in particular real estate investments in emerging countries); Legal advice; Tax consultancy; Corporate consulting; Assistance in practices at chambers of commerce through valid partnerships with companies in the sector; Notarial services on site and not, with relative assistance and advice; Assistance in relations with the main credit institutions, with the revenue agency and the revenue collection agency. In this moment of complexity we try to give assistance to companies of any kind. Visit also the page of the Studio Pinti Commercialisti of Rome.

Tourist guides