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Taverna Bonacolsi

Piazza Sordello n.10 - 46100 Mantova (MN) - Lombardia


Telephone +39.0376.1591745


The philosophy of this restaurant is based on the concept of Different, in trying to give pleasant emotions both in food and in its combination with wine. We call this the Renaissance of Taste, in the search for raw materials and in its interpretation, both for food and wine. In food, Chef Alessandro Sordi interprets his experience in the dishes that come from his homeland, making small innovations in traditional Mantua dishes. In our Wine List, edited by Giovanni Sordi, Tuscan oenologist with work experience developed throughout the national territory, we have searched for you only wines from small and medium-sized companies, of high quality, wines that in the city of Mantua you find practically only at Taverna Bonacolsi. In the beverage sector, Giovanni exploits his thirty-year knowledge as an oenologist to propose wines with excellent organoleptic qualities, respecting environmental sustainability and consumer health, always keeping in mind the concept of the Different, or wines representative of the territories of origin, seeking if possible the Organic and as much as possible without the use of chemistry. The Different, also represents putting at the center the man as a consumer who must find in our restaurant a culture of eating well, healthy, with tastes always different in quality. The emotion of our customer is our project, the presence of multiple tastes in research is the philosophy of the new Renaissance of taste both in food and in its natural complement which is wine.


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