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3) Mission accomplished 🎉

3) Mission accomplished 🎉

We are confident that the activity you choose will meet your needs. You can enjoy the rest of your day!

Sforna e Gusta - Pasticceria, Panificio, Pizza al Taglio, Vegan

MONTEVERDE - Circ. Gianicolense n.18 - 00152 Roma (RM) - Lazio


Mobile phone +39.347.8654126
Write on WhatsApp


We are a young company, constantly expanding in the territory of Rome and Lazio. Born from the passion of Valentina Iacoangeli, who since 2000 has continued to offer her recipes of homemade desserts of the Castelli Romani tradition, with a keen eye for innovation, combining classic desserts and biscuits, products sought after by customers attentive to quality, dietary needs, non-industrial and healthy products. So the classic tozzetti, mostaccioli, wine or anise donuts, are also accompanied by desserts and biscuits without eggs, sugar, with wholemeal flour, kamut, spelt or desserts for vegans, all produced in an absolutely artisanal way, without chemical additives, vegetable oils (rapeseed, palm, shea), hydrogenated fats, preservatives, dyes, 100% natural. We sell retail and wholesale to small companies and large-scale retail trades, attentive to meeting the demands of our customers. Sforna e Gusta is attentive to all types of food intolerances and ranges between sweet and savory, satisfying every consumer need with the best vegan products, all lactose-free and gluten-free, but not for CELIACS.


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